Thursday, November 1, 2012


  1. The samurai costume for naruto will be in the launch edition?
    When we see the scan who show how characters will be in game?

  2. they need a Sakura version as-well. call it maidens anger edition or something.Lol.
    i'd totally buy it :)

    if i had to choose out of those two i'd probably have to go with the Sasuke version :/

  3. can you please tell me the name of the soundtrack you used in your Naruto chapter 601 review I have been asking for a long time and still you have not answered. Can you just tell me the name of the soundtrack because I think it sound really good and I want to listen to it and possibly you it in one of my future videos. Can you just inbox me on my youtube account (Firewing368) and tell me the name. Thank You

  4. Oh MY GOD!!!! I WANT AN ARTBOOK!!!!!:D:D:

  5. Which edition will the artbook be in ??

  6. in which one do you get the costumes and art book cause i really want both

  7. Pre-ORDER The Game No matter wich one and you get 5 costumes and IN SOME EUROPE COUNTRYS you get an Artbook to!!! If You preorder the Day 1 Edition You also get a Goku Costum for Naruto, Also with a Sasuke, and Naruto Editions To !!! Cleare now?:)

  8. if i pre ordered on November 24 I still get the art book and the card with the 5 costumes
