Saturday, September 15, 2012

Naruto vs Kyuubi Scan!


  1. yeah!! this fight is gonna be legen... wait for it... dary!! :D thx for the scan dude

    1. yea its going to be sick, and no problem dude :)

    2. what do you think: When they trying to please the manga fans, do you think they gonna cover the whole story? I mean, the manga should be complete by the beginning of the next year?

  2. What the hill i've seen? this battle gonna be fuckin' AWESOME!! waiting for next!!!!!!!!

  3. Man awesome I hope they make more boss battles

  4. i hope they make more new gameplay mechanics that's what we need the most wee need to change the way we play the game ( boss battles,hack and slash,secret factors) is just the most important things right now leave the charters asid for a little time and they will take care of the charcters but i hope they wiil reach to the reavel of tobi (....) so i hope to play as madarah tha's my only personal requist for the charcters

  5. they should at least put a screen shot of kushina being a character or a support character in this scan that will be kinda sik still

  6. killer bee lokes awesome at the scan
