Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Naruto Storm 3 Aims to Please Manga Fans!

  In a New Interview with Jason Enos, senior Global Brand Manager for Namco Bandai, he talks about how Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 aims to please fans of the Manga as well this time around!. Now what this means for where the Story mode will go and end up too, is anyone's guess, but it almost seems as if  he could have hinted at Storm 3 following the Manga's Story Line, and not the Anime's... check out the short interview for yourself below!

CyberConnect 2's Ultimate Ninja Storm series has always been eye-catching, ever since its debut in 2008. But, three sequels later, what can Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 possibly offer that's new? Jason Enos, senior global brand manager at Namco Bandai explained that the latest iteration of the anime franchise is meant to appeal more to fans of the original manga series. "One of the focuses of this game for developer CyberConnect2 is to bring the perfect balance of the manga and the anime," he explained. Fans of the franchise will probably agree with Enos' assessment that "the anime is more lighthearted while the manga delves a little deeper and gets a little more serious." To that point, he promises that "one of the goals this time around is to make sure manga fans feel more satisfied" by offering both "the cinematic and visual aspect of the anime" and also "the beautiful story development of the manga." It's clear that presentation is the focus of UNS3, as the gameplay is very similar to previous games in the series. Boss fights, such as one against Nine Tails, promises to be more "epic" than ever--a rather difficult feat, given the series' history. One difference I noticed was that Awakening mode can now be turned on at any time with the drawback of not being able to use it again later. In the previous titles, you had to be at low health to activate it. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 arrives on the PS3 and Xbox 360 early next year


  1. this, is really really really really , amazing and cool, this is the start of the best naruto game ever, thanks fot this PS360HD2, this is a incredible notice, thanks!!!!!!!

  2. thx ps360 for this news conference.

  3. Can sum1 tell me wat the interview meant, that interview to me was about the story in nuns3 will be up to the manga. Is that sum1 tell me!!

    1. No it means it's gonna be more serious and the game will be more violent because the manga censors quite some things like when Asuma died Shikamaru smoked his cigarette, which was Shikamaru's first and last cigarette, whike he was crying and in the anime the smoke of the cigarette simply goes into his eyes and makes him cry. They will aim at doing the game to make it mroe true to the manga while providing the animated battles feeling of the anime

  4. this isn't even news... we already know all this!

  5. Replies
    1. I hope that would be epic, I wonder what his jutsu will be...? Also I hope he has his reflecting weapon

  6. I they put the sage of the six paths the ninja god 10 tails too

  7. Yeah a better story, I mean Storm and Storm 2 were good but a story following the manga will be AWESOME

  8. And that picture is bad-ass, I saved it :3

  9. i don't think thats gonna happen. they don't even have the voice actors for some characters yet. Its the anime producers that find the voice actors so they're going to have to follow the anime.

    1. é mais ate fevereiro do ano que vem o madara ja vai ter aparecido no anime quando o kabuto resusita ele

  10. It would be perfect if the game had the story following the Manga!
    But I'm kinda curious about how they would do Madara as a playable character. Because now he has infinite chackra and they have to balance it.

    1. Im guessing their gonna still give him the limited chakra, someone with ifinite chakra would we WAY over-powered.

  11. if the kages vs madara boss battle is in the game that would be the most epic boss battle of all time

  12. I hope they do follow by the manga 2 but some of u guys are right where are they goin to find the voice actor 4 madara but just like generations they will most likely et bogus one like they did on generations. I still happy that its goin to be based on the manga its goin to be the best 1 yet

    1. ps. this isnt my real name its 1 of my classmates name hes stupid as fuck so he wont care

  13. So is it following the manga storyline?!Maybe Storm 3 covers the whole war arc?!

  14. Oh please !! I hope that they put Madara !! EMS Sasuke ! Kabuto Dragon Sage ! Rinnegan Tobi !
    I hope that Madara will have Perfect Susanoo, his Meteor jutsu, etc ;-) !

    Hope to see Madara vs Kage in a boss battle !

  15. Madara,Madara,Madara *-*

    Oh please !! I hope that they put Madara !! EMS Sasuke ! Kabuto Dragon Sage ! Rinnegan Tobi !
    I hope that Madara will have Perfect Susanoo, his Meteor jutsu, etc ;-) !

    Hope to see Madara vs Kage in a boss battle !²

  16. Oh my god, amazing. this is exactly what i wanted. i think i'm going to cry when it finally comes out.


  18. If maskless Tobi is in this, I will shit CC2 a golden egg.

  19. if the game came to where the manga would be the best game of Naruto, would have Madara, Tobi without mask ..

  20. Please Please Please have DLC!!! We Need DLC Characters, Costumes, & Maps! That would make the game much more epic

    1. NO. Especially not if all the DLC is already ON the disc and just needs to be bought.

      If there is DLC, it should come out MONTHS after the games released and be truly special characters, maps, costumes, etc.
